New Mexico Receives NSF EPSCoR Grant for SMART Grid Center
Public Relations Contact
Natalie Rogers
New Mexico EPSCoR
(505) 226-4102
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—September 18, 2018
New Mexico Receives NSF EPSCoR Grant for SMART Grid
The five-year, $20 million grant will highlight statewide research collaboration
among higher education institutions, national laboratories, and industry
ALBUQUERQUE, NM — Researchers across the state of New Mexico have received a $20
million, five-year grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Established Program to
Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) for the New Mexico SMART Grid Center, an
integrated research and education program that will support development of a modern electric
grid. The research program seeks to transform existing electricity distribution feeders into
interconnected microgrids, and will utilize multiple testbeds across New Mexico.
This NSF EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) Track 1 grant will link researchers
and students from the University of New Mexico, New Mexico State University, New Mexico
Tech, and Santa Fe Community College with researchers and scientists at Sandia National
Laboratories and Los Alamos National Laboratory, as well as other organizations in New Mexico,
such as the Microgrid Systems Laboratory and Explora Museum. Comprehensive education and
workforce development activities will further increase research competitiveness, engage and
retain diverse students, train next-generation electricity sector professionals, provide students
and faculty with competitive data management and software skills, and communicate
important results to the public.
"The NM SMART Grid Center is a novel, interdisciplinary research center that will address
pressing design, operational, data, and security challenges of next-generation electric power
management," said William Michener, Principal Investigator for the award and State Director of
New Mexico EPSCoR. With this award, Dr. Michener has brought $102 million of NSF-funded
projects to New Mexico since 2001. “Through this grant, we will not only advance research
areas of national importance, but train a cadre of undergraduate and graduate students in New
Mexico to join the STEM workforce.”
New Mexico is one of seven jurisdictions to receive one of these awards this year through NSF
EPSCoR. EPSCoR is a program designed to fulfill the Foundation's mandate to promote scientific
progress nationwide. Through this program, NSF establishes regional partnerships with
government, higher education and industry that effect lasting improvements in a state's or
territory's research infrastructure and research and development capacity—and therefore its
academic competitiveness. Currently, 23 states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the U.S.
Virgin Islands and Guam are eligible to compete for EPSCoR funding.
New Mexico first qualified for EPSCoR funding in 2001, and in the last 17 years, EPSCoR funding
has brought $186 million to the state, resulting in increased research capacity statewide and
“graduation” from EPSCoR qualification for the first time in 2018. The state remains eligible for
this award because the proposal was submitted before program graduation.
“Due to EPSCoR and the collaborative efforts of our three Research Universities, UNM, NM
Tech, and NMSU, New Mexico now has achieved a level of scientific research funding that is
considered competitive with the top states in the nation,” said Jack Jekowski, State Committee
co-chair for New Mexico EPSCoR. “When it comes to research funding, New Mexico is now a full
participant in the 21st Century.”
Disclaimer: New Mexico EPSCoR is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) award #IIA-1301346 and #OIA-1757207. Any opinions,
findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
National Science Foundation.